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Jekyll it is!

· 3 min read
Pulkit Krishna
Founder of VirtualHub

This version of VirtualHub is powered by Docusaurus. This blog post is old and may contain wrong info.

So, after testing WordPress, CloudCannon and Publli, I have started using Jekyll. As I have told you in the previous post, this blog is created using it.

A bit about this Blog

This blog is a testing ground for me to check how well Jekyll performs according to my needs. Till now, it has performed exceptionally well. So, how did I create this blog?

The first thing I would like to tell you is that I am using Ubuntu (Default GNOME edition) now. So, I tried to search for how to install Jekyll on Ubuntu. Jekyll is built using Ruby, so I needed to install Ruby first. Ruby came in the form of a snap, so I installed it. Why did I install the snap and not the regular DEB version? I was not sure if Jekyll would be interesting enough for me. Snaps are much easier to remove and purge from the system than DEB packages. So, I installed Ruby using snap.

But, the snap package did not work for me. It spilled an error when I tried to install Jekyll. I did not try to troubleshoot it. I did not want to invest too much time into Jekyll. So I then installed the DEB package. The installation went smoothly. I followed the instructions from the official Jekyll website and all went well. I installed Jekyll successfully.

Then came the next phase - searching for an appropriate theme. I searched on various websites and tested several themes, but none of the themes pleased me. If I found a theme that I liked, I found that it was abandoned and did not work now. At last, I came to this theme:

This theme was not at all perfect for VirtualHub, but it gave me a new idea - the idea of this blog. So, I created this blog and after some time decided that Jekyll was useful enough to try to port VirtualHub into.


Once again, I started to search for a theme suitable for the VirtualHub website. I tested a lot more themes. I then decided on This theme has most of the features I needed including search, Dark Mode/Light Mode preference for viewers, Categories, and Tags Support. It just lacked one thing: the layout I wanted:

VirtualHub Publii layout

But, I decided to live with that. I decided to use giscus for the commenting system. I played with staticman but decided not to use it.

That's all for today! In the next post, I will tell you why I did not choose insert_your_favorite_theme_here.

Stay tuned!

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